Good To Know

Cel mai lung cuvānt

How to run scripts from web page

Edit the sudoers file (with visudo) and add a rule that allows the web server user to run the command without a password. For example:

www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /path/to/script

sudo echo "apache ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

If you move your blog folder

UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = REPLACE ( guid, '', '');

Redirectionare apeluri Vodafone

 Verificare status: #21#
 Activare complet: **21*numar
 Dezactivare complet: ##21#

 Lipsa semnal/inchis status: *#62#
 Activare: **62*numar
 Dezactivare: ##62#

 Suna ocupat: *#67#
 Activare: **67*numar
 Dezactivare: ##67#

 Nu raspunzi sau inchizi: *#61#
 Activare: **61*numar
 Dezactivare: ##61#

 Anulare toate redirectionarile: ##002#